Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dendrobium moniliforme

This is a very exciting plant for me, because it combines two of my great passions. The first being orchids of course, and the second being bonsai. Dendrobium moniliforme (or the Japanese Stone Orchid (New World Orchids, 2011)). You see, monifliforme is not only cultivated for its floral characteristics but also for its vegetative characteristics. This makes it a prime as a specimen, and as a accent plant.

Moniliforme comes in several different subspecies. Collectors often seek out specimens displaying unique leaf, cane, and floral attributes that make each plant totally awesome (Daniel Boire, 2011). This may include variegation, dwarf growing habbits, and sweet flowers just to name a few. 

Dendrobium moniliforme is a natural lithophyte where it grows in bright sun where light intensity can be as high as 3500 foot candles or 17 500 micromoles (New World Orchids 2011). Now, they can be a little tricky due to their temperature requirements. During the summer months they can take temps of 65-86º F with night time difference of 10-15º F. So if you ran an average daytime temp of 74º F , you would want to shoot for 64º F nighttime temp. During the winter dry months you should keep them below 60º F with a nighttime low of 40º F (New World Orchids, 2011). Which essential means that you would want to keep your daytime temp about 50º F and below 60º F so you can maintain you 10º F differential. If you miss your mark it may mess with some of the plant systems which could result in a altered flowering time. They typically flower at the end of winter and through summer.  Whew!

Is it worth all that to get them to flower like that? You bet it is! The flowers are wonderfully fragrant and can fill up a whole room!

Works Cited
"AOS | Orchids as Bonsai." AO. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"Culture of Dendrobium Moniliforme." New World Orchids. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"IOSPE PHOTOS." Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.

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